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Copywriting Section

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What is copywriting?  Pretty much it’s the process of using words to sell or influence people.

Copywriting comes in many forms, like:

So the span of writing copy is pretty big.

Almost every company could enlist the use of a copywriter but many of them don’t because their revenue isn’t tied to how much money they’re making.  In other words, their business is not dependent on copy or content.

However, there’s plenty of work out there but first, you need to learn the basics.

Scroll down to access blog posts below to learn more about the business of writing copy.

How a Crazy Copywriter Made Me Eat My Shorts!

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Ben settle
Just a typical example of Ben Settle’s homespun wisdom

Mark Elmo Ellis – Get more out of this site here.

I know that’s a pretty wild title, but you should see the stuff Ben Settle sends me.

I have to admit, even though his emails are edgy, quirky and sometimes annoying, I do enjoy reading his messages more than anyone else’s.

For one thing, not only does he dish out all sorts of great copywriting wisdom, but he’s kinda funny…or crazy. (I’m really not sure which at this point.)

Read More »How a Crazy Copywriter Made Me Eat My Shorts!


Autopsy of a Sales Letter Part II

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autopsy of a sales letter

This is Part II of an in – depth analysis of a sales letter I received a few weeks ago from Forbes Magazine.  To read Part I go to this post: Autopsy of a Sales Letter Part I

Where’s the Evidence?

Most sales letters usually have some sort of evidence in them to prove they can do what they are saying they can do. You will normally see all sorts of testimonials in them from happy customers and clients that reinforce the claims are being made.  However, in the Forbes sales letter there aren’t any.Read More »Autopsy of a Sales Letter Part II
