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72 Free Copywriter eBooks to Make You Wealthy

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I know you want to get the free copywriter eBooks, but do you want to hear something funny?

I’ve always been a copywriter; I just didn’t know it.

Back in 1976, I joined the United States Army Band program and became the lead jazz trombonist in the 33rd Army Band in Heidelberg, Germany.Elmo the copywriter

I had the dream job, and I loved every minute of it.

I performed for presidents, kings, dignitaries, and celebrities while traveling to many places.

Not bad for an 18-year-old trombone-wielding punk.

But here’s the thing…

Somehow, I became the staff writer for the band, too. I wrote and created brochures, program notes, articles, introductions, speeches, newsletters, and created graphics by hand. (No computers to help you with this stuff back in those days.)

And it’s all because nobody else wanted to do it.

Little did I know that I was writing professionally for all kinds of important events. I was asked by the big-shots to write these projects, and I churned them out. 

That experience proved to be very valuable later on in life. 

Not All Copywriting is Equal

I’m sure you’re reading this thinking, “This isn’t copywriting! He’s just creating brochures and writing articles and stuff. I thought he was going to show me how to sell using words like Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, or Bob Bly does.”

Well, my friend, that is called direct response copy. 

I didn’t get into that until about 1987. 

And once again, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. 


Do you want to know a secret about copywriting? 

Here it is: There are all kinds of professional writers who consider themselves copywriters – not just advertisers and direct response pros.

Copywriting is a rather diverse field. While I could write a rather long list of all the kinds of copywriting you could do, let me show you one area I make most of my money writing blog posts. 

I’ve written posts for colleges, tourism sites, financial and professional coaching, motivational sites, copywriting sites, and cryptocurrency companies. 

That’s just blogging. 

If you want to see a large list of companies and niches within this industry, check this out: 50+ Copywriting Niches.

Before I hand you the free copywriter eBooks, I have one more thing I believe is important to tell you.

more copywriting ebooks

Here is a Ginormous Secret About Learning How to Write Copy

Do you remember a few minutes ago when I talked about direct response copy?

If you want to be a copywriter in just about any industry, here is what you should do: LEARN HOW TO WRITE DIRECT RESPONSE COPY.


Because every good marketer and writer from Neil Patel to Jon Morrow studies it. 

These are giants of the online marketing and writing industry who make millions of dollars. And if it is good enough for them, then it is good enough for the rest of us.

(Hey, if you don’t believe me, take a look at the Reader’s Digest article on this post that I wrote. It uses all the same elements of a direct response ad.)

So, start your writing career by studying direct response.

And the beauty of learning direct response is that it is one of the cheapest skills you can study. 

The courses are cheap.

Books on the subject can be bought used online for next to nothing.

You can get free eBooks all over the Internet on the subject.

 (I’m going to hand you some of these in just a minute.)

copywriting for wannabes

I’ve Got a Problem with Some of You People

I could give you everything you could possibly need to become a successful copywriter on a silver platter. As a matter of fact, I’m going to do just that before the end of this post. 

However, I have a problem with a lot of copywriter wannabes. 

They’ll surf around endlessly looking for copywriting resources in an effort to learn how to write copy, but when it comes to the rubber meets the road, they fall short. 

Way, way, short.

These folks will gather tons of resources and take cheap courses on Udemy, but when it comes to writing copy, they’ll blow it off. 

I hope you’re not like that. Copywriting is an art and a skill. Without consistent practice and study, you won’t get very far. 

And yes, it’s hard and some days the words won’t emerge from your brain when you write. 

My advice is – to force them out; one word at a time if you have to. 

Another piece of advice I should serve you is; to write, write, and write some more. Do it especially when you don’t want to, every chance you get. 

Okay, now let’s get to the resources I promised you so you can get started. 

Man, you are so impatient.

The Recession-Proof Freelancer: A 12-Point Plan for Thriving in Hard Times (from a freelance writer who's been there), E-Book by Carol Tice. DOWNLOAD NOW

Here’s the List of the Free Copywriter eBooks I Told You About

Believe it or not, there are TONS of Free eBooks online that will teach you how to write copy. All you have to do is use your head, and you can easily find them.

Some sites not only offer you a free eBook, but they also offer free courses. You should take up as many free courses and eBooks as you can on copywriting.  

Jon Morrow, the famous blogger, has taken hundreds of paid courses. The famous Gary Halbert had to fly across the county once to read a marketing book in a city library. (This was before the Internet, of course.)

So, if you want to learn how to write copy and make money, you’ll do whatever it takes. 

But hey, let’s not start small here. I’m not only going to give you just one puny book to start out with. I’m going to show you where you can get 63 of them at once by giving your email address away just once.

Don’t believe me?

Read on.

1. TJ Rohleder’s Massive eBook Giveaway 

TJ Rohleder is a very successful copywriter. He was mentored by some of the best writers on the planet. He is also a very successful information marketer and entrepreneur. He’s giving away 63 free copywriter eBooks for free, and all you have to do is give him your email address just one time. (As of this writing, his video at the top of his site isn’t working.) However, you can scroll down the page to the free eBook offer. Click Here to Take Advantage of His Incredible Offer.

2. Gary Halbert’s – The Boron Letters

Gary Halbert is considered to be the ultimate direct response copywriter. If you really want to learn how to write copy well, you need to study Mr. Halbert’s writings on the subject as much as you can. I have a copy of his Boron Letters on my shelf that I bought from Amazon, but you can get them for free. If you want this in eBook format, all you have to do is highlight them, copy and then paste them into a word document. (You could also print them and put them into a notebook.) Get the Boron Letters Here.

 3. Gary Halbert’s Newsletter

Here’s another Gary Halbert resource you can’t live without. It is an online archive of his famous newsletters. And guess what the subject usually is? Copywriting! (I’ll bet you would have never guessed that in a bazillion years.) If you want a good laugh, scroll down the first page, a tad and read the lesson on How to Write Killer Headlines. Once again you can copy and paste into word and save these gems of Gary’s copywriter ebooks in pdf eBook format. Gary Halbert’s Newsletter Archives Are Here

4. Gary Halbert’s Maximum Money in Minimum Time

Holy Halbert! We’re on a roll here, Batman! One last eBook from the master wordsmith and entrepreneur. It will show you how to create an info product and then sell it by writing compelling copy. This book was written in the days before the Internet, but the lessons can be applied to online businesses as well. Maximum Money in Minimum Time

5. Copyblogger’s Copywriting 101

As I mentioned earlier, most bloggers honed their craft by studying the best copywriters. Brian Clark was a pioneer of blogging when the whole thing started. His site, Copyblogger, is a vault of valuable insights and excellent writing examples. Copywriting 101 is brilliant in giving you all the basics you need to get started as a copywriter. It is one of the cleanest, most concise copywriting eBooks ever written.  It’s not a difficult read. It is written so clearly you’ll almost think learning copywriting is easy. (Uh, no. It is not.) Grab the Copywriting 101 eBook Now

6. Make Your Site Sell

For decades, there has been an entrepreneurial website business that has survived and thrived. The company’s name is named  SiteSell, and they have all kinds of free training that they hand out to their students. Years ago, I cut my teeth in eCommerce by learning everything they were putting out. One of the best resources they had was an eBook called Make Your Site Sell – The Simple Art of Self PersuasionThis is one of the most thoroughly written, free eBooks on the Internet about writing copy. It has 251 pages on how to write copy and sell products online using nothing but words. (It also has cute pictures to make it more engaging.) Here is the link to this valuable resource

7. The Definitive Guide to Copywriting 

Neil Patel and Joseph Putnam have written an amazing blog post (they converted it to an eBook for you) on how to write sales copy. I am not too familiar with Mr. Putnam but Neil Patel I’m very familiar with. This young, handsome, rich dude has revolutionized Internet marketing. I guess you could say he’s the Elon Musk of Internet marketing. One of my favorite tools to use is Neil’s Ubersuggest, which is a vital tool for anyone writing copy online. Years ago, these two men wrote the definitive guide to copywriting for entrepreneurs and turned it into one of the best copywriter eBooks ever. It is a massive infographic, but it is one of the step-by-step guides for copywriting I’ve ever seen. You can download it here

make money with copywriting

My Big Conclusion…And a Bonus!

If you download all of these free copywriter eBooks, you’ll get thousands of pages of information on how to write copy for free. 

But I don’t want to be stingy here. 

I know I’ll get a bad rep from those of you out there that think that 69 free eBooks on how to write copy and make money is skimping.

So, I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse. 

If you sign up for my free eBook called Blog Profiting Secrets, I’m going to give you 2 more books on the subject and a valuable client acquisition graphic just for handing over your email address.  

That will give you a total of 72 eBooks and a great graphic to help you get started. Yep, click on this link: Elmo’s Free Incredible Offer 

I hope this post will help you on your way to becoming a solid copywriter and entrepreneur. If you have any other resources or would like to leave a comment, please use the comment box below – It would make my day.

To your success!


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