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WARNING:  Ignoring These Elements in Your Real Estate Development or Investment Firm’s Advertising Copy Can Trash Your Profits!

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You are doomed.  Let’s face it, if you continue market your business as if the copy on your website, brochures, and sales letters doesn’t mean squat, then you’ll continue to have low response until your client base has dried up.

The problem with most businesses that have to sell their investment vehicles and services, is they don’t fully comprehend the sheer magnitude and power behind a well written sales piece.

Think about a really well written sales letter, for example.  The sales letter gets delivered into the hands of your prospect directly, and instead of hearing your message on the radio, your prospect is actually holding it and reading it.  Even if you only have that prospects attention for 4 seconds, that’s probably a lot more time of undivided attention that a potential client will ever give an online ad, TV commercial or some other form of advertising.

One or Two Little Things Can Make All the Difference in the World

dollar on sales letter

Years ago, I sent out two groups of sales letters.  One batch had just my marketing message on it, with a picture of the item I was selling on it.

The other sales message was exactly the same except for two things.  The second sales message had a dollar bill attached to it, and the headline read: “Can You Guess Why I’m Sending You This $1 Bill?”

The second ad drew a much higher rate of response than the first one of course.

As the years went by and I studied more and more about the art of copywriting, I learned that not only do big changes in copy make a difference, but also little things as well.

I got this one from the famous marketer, Dan Kennedy: A company ran two ads trying to sell a musical item using very similar wording.

The first one said, “Put Music into your life!”

The second one said, “Puts Music into your life!”

The response on the second ad was much greater than the first.  The reason?  The first ad indicated that YOU were putting music into your life, while the second one indicated that the music was being put into your life by SOMEONE OR SOMETHING ELSE.

One indicated effort on the part of the prospect while the other did not. So, having said all that, it’s a fairly easy assumption that it’s the little things in your copy can have drastic effects on your response rates and bottom line.

Ignore These at Your Own Risk !!!!

Narcissistic Copy —The biggest error I see on most real estate investment and development firm’s website copy, is what I like to call “Narcissistic Copy”.  This is landing page copy, either written or paid for, (wasted money in my opinion) that focuses on the host business and ignores the wants and needs of the consumer. It usually tells the prospective client how great the company is, how many awards the company has won, and the pedigree of the sales team.  In other words: a lot of bragging. When a client lands on your site, they don’t care about the volume of your business or how great you are.  What they want to know is, “What’s on it for me?”  So, your copy should almost always address what benefits you can provide for them, and the more benefits that you can list for them the more your message will resonate with your prospects.

Uniqueness —In a raft of penguins, a bright pink one will definitely stand out.  You need to explore and crow about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). What is it about your firm that makes yours stand out from the pack?  Is there some aspect of your company that is unique or does it specialize in some aspect of your market that you can focus on?

Proof of Greatness —Probably one of the most overlooked parts of advertising copy when it comes to real estate firms, is the use of Testimonials.  Nothing speaks louder than a testimonial from a happy client, especially when they are willing to put their names on it. If you have clients that have been doing business with you for years, they will more than likely be happy to give your firm their endorsement.

Use Recognized Symbols —The use of well-known symbols from organizations that you are affiliated with can be a major boost.  If you’ve been featured on a TV show or given them an interview, it really helps to have their logo on your landing page or brochures with the words, “As seen on NBC’s Today Show!” Other seals and emblems on your site, such as the Better Business Bureau’s icon, can lend credibility as well.

common logos
Logos, seals, and certification icons can add credibility to your business’s copy.

Guarantees — If your company has any types of guarantees or other assurances that can be leveraged in your copy, it will make your offer so much sweeter.   If your firm doesn’t offer any types of guarantees, you may want to have a brain storming session to try to figure out a way to create one.

If you are missing any of these important, persuasive elements in your copy, you may want to consult or hire a solid copywriter to craft them for you.  Sure, on the front end you’ll have to spend some good money, but the copy you use can convert for years to come.

If you’re looking for a solid copywriter that will take you by the hand and give your company’s copy the care and attention that it deserves, then contact me at the info below.

To Your Success!

Mark “Elmo” Ellis


phone: (859) 797-9560


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